General Virtual Assistants. Business Tasks. Personal Tasks.
Okayrelax.com is a website that provides personal assistance for clients. If you have a phone call that you don't want to make, or research that you don't have the time to do, then rather than stressing about it, you can use an "assistance credit" to get that job done on your behalf.

Once you sign up with Okayrelax.com, your account is given a certain number of "tasks" for the month. These tasks are decided by the client, and can be anything from getting a restaurant reservation booked, research on the cheapest toys from a store, or schedule management. As long as the task doesn't require the physical presence of the assistant, it can be done. Every task credit assigns 30min of the assistant’s time to the job. If it's a particularly tricky job, the client can assign more credits to the task, to get it completed.
The first option is for 5 tasks/month, completed by random assistants. This package is for $19.95/month, and is suited for those that need in emergencies, rather than day to day. The second option, is the $74.95/month option (half-price for the first month though). This option provides the client with 25 task credits, and a dedicated assistant, that will remember the client’s preferences, and ensure a smoother, and easier time when a task needs completion. The third option is for $124.95/month, and provides 50 task credits to the client, as well as the aforementioned dedicated assistant. These two options are for someone that leads a busy life, and can't waste time with trivial tasks such as organizing to have a gift couriered, or booking a restaurant reservation.