IT Programming. Web Designing. Finance and Management. Software Development. Web Development. Sales and Marketing. Writing and Translation. Business Support.
Solutioninn is a freelancing website, aimed at connecting customers with clients. It boasts a platform for freelancers to create a profile, and fill it with information about their relevant skills, achievements, qualifications, and a photo of themselves (smiling, naturally). Clients can post jobs that require graphic design, photography, legal advice, writing, and more!

The client posts a job that he or she requires, complete with a choice of a once-off fee, or hourly rates for freelancers. The freelancers can then view the job, and (if they feel they can do it) make a bid on the project, stating how long they think it will take, and how much they want to charge. The client then reviews the bids, looks at the qualifications of the bidders, and makes his/her decision as to which freelancer will be chosen. The money is then funded into an escrow account, managed by Solutioninn.com, where it's held in safekeeping until the job is done, so there are no worries from either freelancer or client that they will be robbed of their time and/or money! Once the job is complete, the client reviews the work, and if acceptable, releases the funds. Solutioninn.com takes 8% of the project funds as a service fee, which is very reasonable!
This website is for anyone that's either looking to become a freelancer, or for a client that has a job they need done, that has to be completed in a timely fashion. As the online world has millions of users frequenting it daily, the odds of getting the job completed within 24hr are high!