US & UK Based Virtual Assistants. Admin & Organizing. Writing. Marketing & Social Media. Researching. Selling.
Timeetc.com is a virtual assistance website, based in the UK and US. It’s for anyone needing a virtual assistant to do anything, whether it’s phone calls, reservations, graphic design, or writing content.

There is no cost to register with TimeEct, simply sign up and you’re ready to start. Clients are billed per second, and the hourly rate is flexible, depending on how many hours/month the client signs up for. The more hours that are signed for, the cheaper the price is per hour. Clients are only billed for time whilst the assistant is working on the job, so if all the hours aren’t used in a month, they roll over, and are valid for 60 days from the time of signing for them. The process is a simple one: The client lists the tasks they need completed, and their virtual assistant starts working on them, notifying the client once the task is completed. The cost per hour ranges from $25-$21/hour, depending on how many hours the client is requiring.
Timeetc.com is for companies and individuals that prefer to buy bundles of hourly work, with a fixed monthly expenditure, rather than waiting to see how much it will be at the end of every month. It’s for clients that have work they need done, and would rather save their time and pay an assistant to do it for them.