Web developers. Mobile developers. Designers & creatives. Writers. Virtual assistants. Customer service agents. Sales & marketing experts. Accountants & consultants.
Upwork.com is a freelancing website that caters to both clients, and freelancers. Clients post jobs they need done, and freelancers bid on the jobs, each showing off their expertise and qualifications, for the client to choose.

Clients: The first step is posting the job. The client chooses whether he/she wants to be billed hourly, or once off, and then chooses the price range. Once posted, prospective freelancers can view the job, and “bid” on it, offering individual prices for the client to choose from. Once the client has shortlisted his/her freelancer bids, then he/she can review their qualifications, previous job ratings, and experience to determine the perfect fit. The client is protected from being cheated by Upwork’s role in all of this, by holding the funds in escrow until the job is completed. The initial profile is free, with all the features, no hidden costs. For a price, you can upgrade to the “pro” and “enterprise” options, for enhanced matchmaking to find the perfect freelancer.
Freelancers: Freelancers register for free, and can start bidding on jobs as soon as their profile is verified! Once they find a job (or three) that they feel they can do, they post a bid on it, stating how much they’ll charge, and how long it will take to complete. Then the client reviews the bids and hires the freelancer they feel is right for the job. The freelancer is protected from theft by Upwork.com, as they hold the funds in escrow until the job is done. The fee for this however, is 20 %, but that’s only for the first $500 you earn from that client. After that it drops down to 10%, and then (much later), 5%. This percentage doesn’t carry across different employers however, so make sure you get repeat business! On top of that, you can take online tests on various subjects, and display your marks on your page to further gain clients, for free!
Upwork.com is for anyone looking to branch out into the freelancing world, or for experienced freelancers looking for stable income. As long as your industry is digitally-based, work can be found on here. This applies whether you’re a client, or a freelance worker.