I have spoken with Nick Kaeshko about why businesses should consider Belarus when thinking about outsourcing and technology. The country has amazing talented technical professionals and the government has been encouraging the development modern technologies with initiatives like the High Tech Park. We also had some fun with "A Tough Call"
Great chat with Nick Laeshko the co-founder of GrinTeq on why to consider Belarus for Tech Outsourcing, local government support to the development of knowledge within High-tech and a really tough call.
I'm an Outsourcerer. I'm a DNN Geek. I help people with their sites @ DeskPal. I'm a #Pomodoro practitioner. I'm a husband and a father of 2 beautiful girls.
Choose the right Outsourcing Site
Don't start your new PROJECT before you download the Top 50 Outsourcing Sites guide! It will save you time and help you choosing the right site.
Aderson Oliveira"Outsourcerer"